This meal is becoming a New Year’s Eve tradition. It’s one of our favorites: New York steaks and roasted red potatoes, all done in one cast iron pan. Easy prep, easy cleanup. Happy New Year!

This meal is becoming a New Year’s Eve tradition. It’s one of our favorites: New York steaks and roasted red potatoes, all done in one cast iron pan. Easy prep, easy cleanup. Happy New Year!
This meal is becoming a New Year’s Eve tradition. It’s one of our favorites: New York steaks and roasted red potatoes, all done in one cast iron pan. Easy prep, easy cleanup.
Happy New Year!
There’s no “end of year retrospective”. No think piece. No slideshow touting the “best photos of…” nor “10 ways that…”. There’s not even an end-of-year newsletter that is sent out to family and friends. There’s none of that.
It was an eventful year. My life is good. I’m grateful, hopeful… happy.
There are no resolutions; there’s a long-standing resolve (that follows me from year to year). It’s simply stated as “make the effort”. It’s the answer to any self-improvement related question I ask. It’s the first step in achieving a goal, any goal. Make the effort.
Merry Christmas! Here’s to more photography in 2016!
It’s been a busy morning. Merry Christmas!
Part of the eastern Alps
Half only, please. They only had one size and people were eating whole ones on their own. For scale, that’s a large glass of beer in the background.
Nighttime stairway to the castle
Tis the season
Stairway to a castle
Towards the Christmas Market
make bread
Morning walk
Arrival in Graz
Everyone else was doing it, so…
Awe inspiring
Playing tourist
The SmartCar of the air
#discovery #nasa
Burger Sunday
What. Why. Art? ???
Just turning