Waves of light and sound

I need to dust around my office.
I need to dust around my office.
I gave up on my Dec.19 project – taking one picture a day during the month of December – because I was reminded how much I don't like "photo a day" type projects.
They're not the way I like to photograph. And soon, as in this try, it begins to feel like something I have to do, not want to.
You can see that the quality of the photos declines as I moved through the month, which reflects my attitude with the project. I think this was the most disappointing to me.
I'm glad I tried it, though. It was meant to be a primer, a test, before starting 2020. One of the photo projects I was considering was a Project 365 (photo a day). Thankfully I'll scratch that one from the list.
After a week of travel, my cat and I took this day to hide away from the world to rest and recover.
Very hungry after not eating much on the 11 hr flight. My body was just craving calories in any form. Luckily, I found this form.
Hotel art. Ban Ana? Banana. Art. Makes you think…
Not a bad office view. The sun was only out from 9:30 AM to 2:30 PM, providing scenic glimpses like this.
Peaceful in the mornings, around 8:30 am.
Part of the main square, near my hotel.
Thus begins an 18 hour journey.
Warm beds make it difficult to motivate to do anything other than sleep.
This keeps producing, even when I neglect it.
I'm enjoying the late evening lighting, in my office, as I wind down for the day.
Me: Ok, I'm gonna slow it down and eat healthier for the rest of the week.
Also me: Chili verde mini chimichangas? Yes please!
I have been thinking a lot, lately, about the digital photography "trend" of upgrading cameras, just as you would with computers and smartphones. And that led me to a broader consideration of how much we tend to not use things to their fullest potential (lifespan).
During our walk I took to noticing streaks of sunlight making its way through trees and buildings, and seeing how it reached the ground. That, and I was constantly watching the ground for fear of stepping/tripping on anything.
A break in the rain means an escape for this flock, and lucky timing for my camera and I.
I had forgotten about this Lego ornament. I can't even recall how long we have had it, only that it came free with an order for a gift one year.
On these cooler evenings, this provided much needed warmth and comfort. It simmered in the slow-cooker all day; nice and easy.
My office mate does nothing but steal my chair to stare out the window.
The sun was out so I opted to sit on the patio for this conference call. I liked the way the sunlight was hitting the succulent pot, and how there was still some rain water stuck between the leaves.
I snuck away from my desk for a midday walk and stumbled upon this at a local park. I wish I had a basketball with me. Looks like fun!
The house, now decorated for the Christmas holiday, feels cozy and, well… like home.
It’s December! Time to break out one of my favorite Christmas songs.
Write yourself a thank you note.
Dear me,
Thank you for seeing all 30 Days of Gratitude though. I'm not sure what result you wanted, or expected, from doing this but, I'm happy that it has helped to change your perspective on how you spend your time and attention.
I hope that you use this momentum to continue being more thoughtful and intentional in what you do from day to day.
Thank you.
The “30 Days of Gratitude challenge” prompts are from Screen/Life Balance and author Catherine Price.