Day 11: Hygge 📷

Demonstrated as only a cat can.
Day 11: Hygge 📷
Demonstrated as only a cat can.
Day 10: Bridges 📷
Day 9: Safe 📷
Be safe on those rocky trails, both uphill and coming back again (downhill)!
Day 8: Twilight 📷
Day 7: Spice 📷
I use an (almost) embarrassing amount of Lao Gan Ma Spicy Chili Crisp, regularly.
Day 6: Street 📷
Been revisiting some old photos for a possible (printed!) photo book, and decided to re-edit this one (from 2006) for today’s theme.
Day 4: Sharp 📷
Day 3: Majority 📷
Day 2: Dark 📷
Day 1: Touch 📷