I’m not entirely sure how long, or interesting, this post is going to be. Why? Well, 1) it’s been a long day and it’s really late right now, and 2) it was fairly uneventful.
We spent eleven hours in our Games Headquarters room (pictures of our room are above), troubleshooting GMS v6.0 bugs and familiarizing ourselves with the new features. The reporting functions have been rebuilt from the ground up, and are 8,000% better than reporting in the previous version of the software. There’s a lot to learn, and our biggest challenges/questions throughout the Games will (we suspect) focus on reporting.
There are other challenges that we will face too. Working with not necessarily the most pleasant people. We’re talking the very high strung, dramatic, and outright rude types. This will test all of us and our diplomatic skills. Now, this is not saying that all of the people we will be working with are like this. In fact, I’m sure it will be the opposite. But, there are a select few who will be sure to make the loudest noises.
I had my first bad meal here, lunch. The picture that shows the bread with a paper thin piece of cheese on it? That was our “sandwich”, provided to us by the Athens 2011 GOC. Not ten minutes after receiving that, we had placed our carry out lunch order with a nearby restaurant.
For the third consecutive evening, we dined at Jima’s Ginger. It’s such a good place to eat, and they are very familiar with us already (almost knowing our orders). I’ve been trying to switch things up but, this evening,went back to the chicken skewers, which are AMAZING.
We spent the evening getting to know each other more. All thirteen of us are finally here. A breakdown of where we’re all from: Bahamas, Trinidad, New Zealand, Ireland, Alabama, Alaska, California (me), Massachusetts, Nebraska, and Virginia. Pretty awesome, right?