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Travel: LAX-ICN

Bibimbop served by Korean Air

Korea, I'm back!

After a long day of travel, I arrived at Incheon Airport just after 5 PM, a day ahead of Los Angeles. From Incheon, we waited for the rest of the GMS Committee to arrive before boarding a bus to PyeongChang, which added another three hours to the day. As expected, by the time I got to bed, I had no idea what day/time it was.

The flight was an uneventful twelve hours (a good thing). I had the window seat and sat next to two Korean businessmen. The three of us didn't say a word to each other the entire flight.

Of course, there were some crying babies on the flight (how is it that every flight has a crying baby?), and I traveled with 100+ members of Special Olympics Team USA. Overall, it seemed to go well for everyone.

If you ever have a chance to fly Korean Air, two things to keep in mind:
  1. The flight attendants are amazingly helpful and friendly. Compared to US-based airline flight attendants, there's no competition. Great experience all around. 
  2. Order the bibimbop (photo above). It was one of the best airline meals I have ever had. If it was served to me in any other setting, I would never have pegged it as "airline food". 
The Korean Air gate attendants and flight attendants repeatedly addressed me in Korean. I could tell that I caught them off guard by replying in English with "I'm sorry, I don't understand". And I'm experiencing the same with some of the hotel staff and other guests. Though it doesn't bother me, I do regret not studying the language a lot more before this trip. 

I'm posting pictures on Flickr, so you can keep up with more there. Here's the link: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ptaillon/

I'm renting a local phone and a personal wifi hotspot so I'll be connected while here. I'm hoping to post here on a regular basis, so stay tuned!

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