Usually, 90 minutes to the office and 120 minutes on the way home. Average. On the worst day, it took us just over 3 hours to get home. That was incredibly aggravating. They're not kidding when they rank I-405 the worst freeway traffic in the country.
Thankfully, that commute is no longer a necessity. Now, it takes 12 minutes to get to the office, 15-20 to get home (depending on the traffic lights). Average.
This move, for that aspect alone, has been completely worth it. I'm experiencing less stress. We're eating better (with more time to cook and prepare meals). We're more active; more social with coworkers and friends. More peaceful in our lives and marriage.
But, there's still Long Beach. There's still the part of me that longs to be, well... elsewhere. Asking those who live here, you get two responses. Either they really love Long Beach, or they hate it. I've yet to get an answer like, "Well, it's okay".
My verdict is still TBD. We've walked through downtown, which is great. We've driven through some neighborhoods, both good and bad, that keep us wondering about our decision.
I think I just need more time to discover and get used to this city.