On the train platform, this morning. a lady stood right next to me. She stood really close… really close. And suddenly, for seemingly no reason at all, she just started laughing. This continued as we boarded the train, where she sat a few rows behind me, and through four stops. Every now and then she would just start laughing out loud. No headphones. No reading material in her hand. No conversation with myself or anyone else. Just, laughing.
Windows 10… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to rebuild my profile because of the “critical start menu not working” error. It’s happening on both the laptop and the Surface Pro 3. It’s driving me crazy. Microsoft, please fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it.
More tree leaves are beginning to turn to their fall colors around here (VA). I can see why it’s a big deal… it’s gorgeous. While in Wausau (WI) I saw those trees at their peak and there were some parts of the scenery that were breathtaking. There’s a tree right outside of our townhouse that seems to have turned overnight. Must get a picture of it soon.
Belize and a few small countries/islands in the Caribbean. I just started working with them on some projects. Now, I just need to find my way on a flight to them… soon… soon… pets cat in my lap while suppressing an evil laugh
No, not everything needs to come in pumpkin flavor. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.