
On the train platform, this morning. a lady stood right next to me. She stood really close… really close. And suddenly, for seemingly no reason at all, she just started laughing. This continued as we boarded the train, where she sat a few rows behind me, and through four stops. Every now and then she would just start laughing out loud. No headphones. No reading material in her hand. No conversation with myself or anyone else. Just, laughing.
Windows 10… I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had to rebuild my profile because of the “critical start menu not working” error. It’s happening on both the laptop and the Surface Pro 3. It’s driving me crazy. Microsoft, please fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it. Fix it.
More tree leaves are beginning to turn to their fall colors around here (VA). I can see why it’s a big deal… it’s gorgeous. While in Wausau (WI) I saw those trees at their peak and there were some parts of the scenery that were breathtaking. There’s a tree right outside of our townhouse that seems to have turned overnight. Must get a picture of it soon.
Belize and a few small countries/islands in the Caribbean. I just started working with them on some projects. Now, I just need to find my way on a flight to them… soon… soon… pets cat in my lap while suppressing an evil laugh
No, not everything needs to come in pumpkin flavor. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it. Stop it.
Rough day… the morning was nice and mellow but, as soon as I got back from lunch, it got 5,000 different kinds of crazy. Still trying to figure out where the afternoon went.
I really think it’s time we all end our culture of considering “number of emails” and “hours worked” as a badge of honor.
The hypocrisy: I work a lot. Probably a lot more than I really need to.
More and more I’m starting to see the same people on my commute to and from work. It’s an odd thing, seeing each other each morning (or evening) and not knowing each other’s names. And everyone burries themselves into their phone screens instead of reaching out to talk to one another. We all know we’re there. We all know we see each other almost every day. Why don’t we talk?
I am such the epitome of “introverted” it’s not even funny.
Five things for today:
I chose a more appropriate jacket for today. Much better.
A crowded train is always a good place to have a phone conversation, on speakerphone… Not. Just, no.
Remember the Bud Light campaign, “Real Men of Genius”? I’m going to start writing those about the different people on the train. “Here’s to you insanely ginormous neon green headphones guy…” and “Here’s to you trying too hard to impress that girl, college intern guy…” And “Here’s to you, falls all over the place even though you’re holding on to the railing guy…”
I ate tacos for breakfast, lunch, and dinner today. Because #tacotuesday. And because I can. And it was glorious.
Grateful… just, grateful.
There’s that thing… you know, that thing that tells you when you’re home. It’s not your actual home; that would be too obvious. No, this is thing that, when you see it, starts your mind and soul in motion. It triggers your brain into thinking “yes, I’m home”. You might start to feel home when you first enter your county, or not until you enter your city limits. Perhaps even more specific, like your own neighborhood or street.
Sometimes, it’s a tree on the corner that blooms yellow and purple in the Spring. Sometimes, it’s the sandwich shop in the strip mall plaza right off of the freeway. Sometimes it’s the giant water tower from the neighboring town, letting you know that in just a few more miles, you’ll be home.
I’ve had different landmarks throughout the years: the sign for the college zoo, the “south bay curve” on 405, the airport, the first glimpse (on a clear day) of Anacapa Island…
And now, this. It’s like a castle in the sky. A modern take on a Japanese fortress. A cube of glass yet, comforting. As the train slows past it, I gather my things. A few minutes later I’m on a bus, and a few minutes after that I’m walking up the path to my front door.
Beer. In a beer garden. In Austria. Woot.
Not clear on what this was before but, inside is an art gallery now.
Fall in Dornbirn.
Took a short walk around the area and stumbled on this small city park. Very pretty. Even better, good clean mountain air. Was good to be outside.
Condominium for small insect, lizards, and birds.
Not a bad way to begin a flight.