- I spent the majority of the week (Tues. through Sat.) in a series of planning and strategy meetings with a partner that we just started a 10 year partnership with. The meetings were hosted in Keystone, Colorado where we were cut off from distractions. This was actually really good as, we were able to get very honest, creative, and got to know each other well.
- I'm very much looking forward to working on this project, and working with the people involved. This is a career-defining opportunity. It will also push me to work outside of my comfort zone on a regular basis. It will also challenge my ability to back up my philosophy: make others successful.
- It will also challenge my capacity... how much can I do, really? And how much can I balance it with my aspiration to increase my personal capacity (non-career orientated)?
- Device balance: Laptops are my preferred for almost every single task. I've come to accept that. No need to keep pushing tablets for productivity, at least until mobile software improves. The iPad Mini is by far the better device for content consumption and travel. It's the perfect balance, for me at least. Best for news, ebooks, games, news sites, and overall social media consumption. iPhone is the great "bridge" device: maximum mobility and just enough to keep me capable until I get to the laptop.
- I need to keep a pointed effort to drink more water. The high altitude of Keystone (almost 9000 feet above sea level) magnified it. I noticed that if i didn't drink enough water each day, I had difficulty engaging in conversation, focusing, and was more irritable.
- BONUS: This week is also a milestone... we will close escrow and move into our new home. So very excited for this!