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Five things for the week

Figure skating, pairs

  1. Writing from the 2017 World Winter Games: As mentally and physically exhausting working the event is, and all of the events that we work, I always manage to come away feeling quite inspired to continue what we do. I keep asking myself "do I need to find a new organization, a new challenge?" Then I watch out athletes, our volunteers, and our colleagues work. And then I'm even more driven to help make it happen.
  2. The day I flew to Austria, I made the last minute decision to not bring my camera. "I won't have the time to really spend photographing", I justified. Wrong! I regret it.
  3. Sleigh Bells, "I Can Only Stare".
  4. I have to keep this in mind: always due diligence before making judgement and passing information. Always.
  5. This is going to be a busy, trying, year. I'm ready.

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