The Hundred Year Flood, by Matthew Salesses He’s one of my favorite authors, someone I would love to sit and talk with over coffee. I have fully enjoyed all of his works.
A Small Revolution, by Jimin Han Excellent novel that slowly builds in intensity from start to finish.
Big Little Man, by Alex Tizon This one really hit home for me. The author was able to put the Asian male experience into words (that I never could have), encapsulating many of the experiences I had while growing up (and even now, as a middle aged man). Excellently done. Also, check out this NPR interview with the author. I first read Mr. Tizon’s work with this The Atlantic article. It’s so sad that he is no longer with us.
Monstress, Vol. 2, by Marjorie Liu and Sana Takeda I professed my love for this series after reading vol. 1. My reaction there still rings true, “My lord, this is good! I am in love with the writing and the art. The story, the characters. Love this, and cannot recommend it enough.”