Photo of the Week
Five things for the week
- I ordered a new everyday carry camera, this week. It also happens to be the iPhone 8+. Do I need it? Nope. It's an upgrade from my current 6s+ and a little treat to myself (treat yo self) for a busy 2017 and crazy looking upcoming 2018 at work. 1a. Sure, I want the iPhone X. It intrigues me; smaller form factor and better screen. But I don't want to be a first adopter with no mechanical home button and face recognition. I'll wait until the next gen.
- This was a bad week for eating. Just bad all week, including ordering in each weeknight (long days, exhaustion, laziness). I ate lighter, and "more vegetarian" over the weekend to try to make up for it. Here's looking at a new start, this week. Healthier, home cooked meals.
- I'm forty years old. I'm not who I want to be but, I am getting closer and closer to it each day.
- I have slowly worked myself back into the habit of carrying and using a physical notebook, at work. I use it to take notes, plan, and sketch things out. Daily. And since making the switch, I feel more organized, remember more things, and think more clearly.
- Weekly mantra: photograph more, write more, read more, be well.
Recently read
- The Western Star, by Craig Johnson - It's #13 in the Walt Longmire series, a series I fully enjoy for the modern western genre and the character development occurring throughout the series. The books far overshadow the short-lived tV series (though that had potential). It was a quick read that very much ramps up to the next book, which hopefully comes out soon.
- Why Cassini is Ending Its Life with a Kamikaze Plunge (Nautilus) - I grow increasingly fascinated with space exploration every. single. day.
- The Episodic Career, by Farai Chideya - A good book giving (me) some much needed insight in approaching my career. I have (at least) twenty more years of working life in me, with so many things that I want to accomplish. Highly recommended and a must read for those who are looking for perspective. I first was introduced to Farai Chideya though her podcast, One with Farai. I really miss it; she is a fantastic interviewer.
Recently watched
- What the Health - an... interesting documentary about the food industry and its relation to our health. I couldn't help but feel skeptical throughout watching it, though. It was more or less the same voices over and over again, and facts seemed to be few and far between.