Photo of the week

The Fall colors are just starting to come in. It really makes for great scenery wherever we go (around here).
Five things for the week
- I notice that a lot to these (five things...) tend to be the same. They end up being affirmations and encouragement; they're thoughts and terms meant to keep me enthusiastic about doing things for the better. Are they working? Well, let's just say that there's a reason so many of them seem like they keep repeating.
- Coming to terms with just being okay using my iPhone camera to take pictures. Sure, I would love to use my other cameras but, practically, I'm just not carrying those wherever I go (like I used to).
- I'm almost done with Instagram. The timeline algorythm is horrible; I'm seeing the same photos (some of which I have already liked) appear over and over again. And, I am missing posts from friends and people that I want to see posts from. It's getting to the point where it's just not enjoyable anymore.
- This week was a bad one, at work. Two projects hit major blocks, proof that we are trying to do too much with too little resources. And further proof that I am stretched too thin. I need to find a new approach to these projects. If I don't, this week looks to be just as bad as last.
- I hate that, for the last few months, by the time I get to the weekend I am out of steam. Both my mind and my body are too tired to do anything enjoyable. I spend the weekends trying to recuperate or catch up. I also have noticed that some of the weekends I have been sick. I'm not taking care of myself. I need to do better.
Recently read
Working through Celeste Ng's Little Fires Everywhere. It's a good read, I just haven't dedicated the time to get through it. I also have a good 4-5 books that I want to start immediately afterwards.Recently watched
- Stranger Things 2 - A fun season. Not quite the same magic that Season 1 had but, I love the ensemble cast and the overall nostalgia that this show brings. It's a mash of Goonies, E.T., and so much more from the 80s that I just enjoyed.
- The House - a fun movie. Not too serious, just something that one could watch without having to put too much brain power into it. I just about love anything with Amy Poehler in it.
//I’m trying out a new weekly format, more to keep track of the things I have read and watched. It’s also a format that, I hope, will evolve as I look to put together a weekly email newsletter.