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Koreans and Italian chickpeas

Italian-style chickpeas I had breakfast with my friend, Andy, on Sunday. He is on his annual business trip to the east coast, from Korea. It’s always good to catch up with him. He has become one of my good friends since first meeting him in 2013. Three of his colleagues joined us, which was great (to meet new people). I feel bad, though, since the place I chose must have had an off day. Breakfast want good… at all.

But the friendship and the conversations were.

One thing about Koreans: they have a knack for making you feel self-conscious about things that you never gave thought about before. They don’t do it maliciously, nor intentionally… it’s just their nature. A lot of cultures do this whole “you don’t eat enough” and then “you are too fat!” contradictions. So, Sunday was full of that for me. It usually happens because I only see Andy once a year.

So, for dinner, I decided to prep a vegetarian dish (pictured above) of Italian-style chickpeas. This was a very simple recipe done in a slow-cooker. Pretty good. I had mine served over rice. It made the house smell wonderful all afternoon.

I always wish i had more time with Andy. Sometime soon I would like to travel back to Korea to visit him (and many others). Sounds like a goal for 2019?

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