[caption id=“attachment_3827” align=“alignnone” width=“2048”] Sunday dinner: chicken enchiladas[/caption]
- I cooked most of the weekend, which is good. We caved (ordered dinner delivery) more than we should have, during the weekdays. Not a horrible start but worse than it should have been. We picked up a lot of good, healthy food this morning so, here's hoping for a good week.
- My workflow is a really chaotic mixture of digital notes (OneNote, Apple Notes) and handwritten (two different notebooks). I need to wrk on streamlining this. It's a weird method that I have sneaked by with for a little over a year but, it needs immediate improvement.
- I have a renewed love for Tecate (beer). It's just so good.
- We stopped by the mall, this morning, intending to swing by the Apple store before heading to the grocery store. I really wanted to see the red iPhone 8 in person (I know, fanboy). My wife is also considering another Apple Watch band. But we got there too early; it was about an hour before the store opened. But, we were really surprised at how many "mall walkers" were there. It looked like track and field practice (for senior citizens).
- I had some really weird dreams over the weekend. They all alluded to leaving work, and the east coast, but not in the way that I think I would do so in real life.