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Five things for the week

Took in some tennis on the last day of competition

  1. The past two weeks, working the 2018 Special Olympics USA Games in Seattle, Washington, served as a good shot in the arm for me. The high-paced first half of 2018 had me very stressed out These past two weeks, and spending time watching the fruits of our labor, have me re-energized.
  2. One thing that I (re)learned about myself this week? A lot of my unhappiness comes when I try to fit into the perceived "normal". This also happens when I go along with a group of people without giving myself a voice and say into what we do. I was happiest when I simply chose to do what I wanted to do, even if it meant separating from the group.
  3. I need to start getting back into the habit of taking a few days for myself either before or after work trips, to explore the area a little more. I have been to Seattle a few times; I love it. It's gorgeous there.
  4. Lego. Voltron.
  5. Related, this past Season of Voltron: Legendary Defender played like a movie and, I loved every second of it.

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