My mom has a knack for finding good book/author series. These are usually mysteries (her favorite genre) which aren't necessarily my favorite. But on occasion, she finds and recommends something that I like. The Walt Longmire* series is one of those, mostly because it's also quasi-western, and I love the western genre, especially reading it as I was growing up.
Craig Johnson’s Depth of Winter is a turn from mystery to thriller. I suppose one could read this book without reading the series but, I wouldn’t recommend it. This one gets very personal, for the main character, and has been built towards for a little while now. My plan was to read a quarter of the book each night, as it is a very easy read. The first night I knocked out 25%. The second, I knocked out 75%. The momentum and build up was too strong for me to put it down.
*Don’t get me started on the TV Series “Longmire”. The only good thing that did for me was nailed the casting for the characters (except for Vic), which I envision while reading the books. I absolutely did not like the storyline and character arcs that the TV series took.

On Monday night I made Instant Pot beef stew and my wife and I watched Incredibles 2. It was a little longer than it needed to be but overall a good and fun watch. The Holly Hunter and Catherine Keener interactions were more… “adult” than I would think for a kids movie but, could just be my take.
Dave Chang's interview of Evan Kleiman, on The Dave Chang Show podcast. They're two of my favorite "food personalities", and both are doing great things that need people to pay more attention to them.