
I remember reading this when it was first released. I loved it. I love how honest and genuine it is. While browsing through the Libby app, I saw this was available and immediately checked it out. A nice, quick read later and it just reinforced how good this really is.
Allie Brosh is just too good.
CNN's The Eightees. Just reliving some nostalgia while I work on other things (i.e. this was playing in the background).
CNN's The Nineties. Once you watch the The Eighties, you have to progress to the Nineties. Duh. These, overall, reminded me of any of the VH1 nostalgia shows they used to air though, the CNN series were more political than musically focused. It was good to reminisce.
My unplayed podcasts has grown too long. Most of what I have listened to, this past week, are older episodes of some shows so that I can catch up. This includes The Moth, Radiolab, KCRW Good Food, and The Dave Chang Show.