This article about unlikely friendship has made its round on the internet but, if you haven't yet read it, I fully recommend it.
This post about Product Managers is also a good read. This is the area that I work in, and the area where I'm still learning quite a bit. Product/Project Management is an industry in itself and I find it all fascinating.
I did start another book but got nowhere near finishing it, so I won't include it in this week's post. I, again, have been swamped with work and school. My final project (school) is due this week and I'm so close to completing it.
Avengers: Infinity War -With the Avengers: Endgame trailer released, it was a reminder that we hadn't seen this last one. So we watched it. And we're entertained, somewhat. I hate watching movies where you already know it's going to lead into another sequel. Also, I'm almost at my limit with the entire superhero genre; it's over-saturated.
Ocean's 8 - I wanted to like it but was bored the entire way through. Great ensemble cast (of course) but things were too tidy and too easy. I was never a fan of the Ocean's movies because of this.
I'm not a huge fan of end of the year lists (best of this, best of that) but, I do appreciate end of year music lists. I like to revisit songs/albums that I listened to close to their release but may have already forgotten about since. I also like to scan these lists for works that I missed. Rather than post all of the lists I have been scanning, I'll leave you with this one, from NPR's All Songs Considered, and let you carve out your own rabbit hole from there.