I need to get out and socialize some more. I'm a home-body. An introvert. I love being able to work from home because I 1) don't have to leave the house, 2) am far more productive and creative than being in the office, and 3) I just... I love being in my home.
But, I do really need to start making more effort to socialize. At the very least, I need to get more sunlight (ha). I started looking into social meetups (on Meetups.com) and possibly joining a local photo club. I'm also starting to look into ways to get involved with the community. My worry is that I do have a full plate with work and school, and I have a good (productive) rhythm with them right now. I fear that adding anything else would take that balance away.
Though, what kind of "balance" do I really have if I'm not doing something that takes me outside and interacting with people (other than coworkers and schoolmates) regularly?