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Five songs for the week

Five things for the week, music edition.

Be Be Your Love (Live at KCRW) [Spotify link], by Rachael Yamagata. I first heard this track on KCRW, and immediately fell in love with her music. Since then I have purchased every one of her albums on release day. It came up through shuffle, earlier this week, and reminded me of the time I first heard it.

Personal Jesus [YouTube link], by Depeche Mode. Memories of long drives, at night, through canyons and along PCH, as a teenager, with this blasting crazy loud in the truck. I played it when I took a drive, mid-week, to get out of the house. And yes, I played it loud.

Seven Nation Army [YouTube link], by The White Stripes. They played this to pump up the crowd, leading right into the opening kickoff at last night's Republic FC game. It was effective; made for a fun atmosphere.

Scoff [YouTube link], by Nirvana. Another one that came up in shuffle during the week. When I think of Nirvana, this is the track that I think of. I know their hits but, for me, this is Nirvana. And I dig the drums! Nothing fancy, just hard hitting.

Matador [YouTube link], by Mariachi El Bronx. There were a few times when I used Mariachi El Bronx to unwind; just sitting and letting them play through the headphones.

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