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Five things for the week

Below are things that I did poorly, or not at all, this past week, that I am setting out to improve upon for this coming week:

  1. Not procrastinating. I get things completed on deadline. Begrudgingly. It's a really bad habit and something that I have been trying to break for years. FOR YEARS! But it seems to be my standby. Nothing motivates better than being right up against a deadline, right? My goal for this week is to complete things before deadline, as early as possible, for this week only. It's not a goal to break the habit, just a goal for this week. I just need to know that I can do it for a week.
  2. Reading a fiction book/novel. I do read a lot. Most of my screen time, no matter the device, is reading. I just want to point some of that reading time back to fiction, my favorite thing to read. Technical manuals, blogs, news, and social media are not as satisfying (go figure).
  3. Cooking more meals at home. We ordered delivery for 6 out of the 7 dinners, this past week. A lot of factors played into it and wee paid for it with not only money but a lack of energy as well. We just didn't feel like ourselves. So, this week, I plan to cook a lot at home to compensate, and get us back on the right track. Right after this blog post, I am going to work on my meal planning.
  4. Taking more photographs. I think I write something like this every week. And I think that, no matter how many photographs I take in a week, I will always have wanted to take more. I take a lot; perhaps I need to share more of them?
  5. Going for walks. The overall benefits of doing this doesn't need to be described here. I just need to go out and do this more.

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