- It's getting warmer out. I think I need to start the "sipping scotch while sitting on my front porch at sunset" tradition. At the very least, I need to begin the "sipping coffee in the mornings on my front porch" tradition.
- Unintentionally, I seem to have built my walls a lot higher, and thicker, than I ever intended to. All this time I have been blaming "introversion" but, I think there's something more. Something darker.
- I'm happiest when I cook, when I write, and when I photograph. So, why don't I do these things more often? I know this intellectually. It's on repeat in my head. What is my block on this?
- We visited friends (on Saturday). While there, I watched one of our friends' two kids play, and saw the difference in how they acted when they played with their tablets/electronics versus when they played with toys. I saw distinct personalities come out from the same child, depending on what they were interacting with. It was fascinating.
- Tree pollen and allergies were strong, this week. I think I sneezed more this past week than I ever have in my entire life, combined.
Recently Read, Watched, and Listened
//I'm trying something different, combining this post into my normal "Five things..." post. I use both to wrap up the end of a week and it kind of makes sense to just have them be one blog post... we'll see.
'Animal Crossing' Reminds Me to Look After Myself—Not Just My Avatar - This is my most played game on my phone. I open it maybe 4-6 times a day. At first I thought it was boring but, I just kept playing it. I kept opening it. I kept collecting fruit and fishing. This article is good insight into why I might be doing this.
The weird and wonderful world of neighborhood Facebook groups - Pre-social media, how did all of these conversations and rants and whatsits occur? During HOA and community meetings? Were people sitting on their porches shouting their neighborhood thoughts to passerbys? If that's the case, I want in on that. I have a nice cushioned bench on my front porch now.
Hannah Gadsby: Nanette - This comedy special has been in my Netflix queue for a while. I had no idea what to expect; I had only added it because I overheard someone raving about it while waiting to board an airplane (a while ago). It's powerful. Her voice, her story... it's important to hear.
Our Planet, episodes 3-8 - Yeah, this was just as good as the Planet Earth and Blue Planet series. I finished the rest of the episodes and was left in awe. I can't get the imagery of the walrus-cliff scenes out of my head. And the Kingfisher footage at the beginning of episode 7? I need that as my screensaver on ALL THE SCREENS! It was stunning.
Game of Thrones, season 8, episodes 1-2 - Of course.
Star Trek Discovery, Season 2 - This season was even better than the first, and cemented my fandom and appreciation for this series. I had my doubts but those were squashed with each progressing episode as we watched.
Rilo Kiley - I always knew of them but really didn't familiarize myself with any of their work. Their album "The Execution of All Things" was on repeat a few times this week. I love the songwriting.