Murdered young police officers, the second of the year in this area. R.I.P. Natalie Corona, R.I.P. Tara O'Sullivan.
Officer O'Sullivan was murdered, last night, not too far from my neighborhood. She was part of a group of officers responding to a domestic violence call. She was doing her job.
No, I'm not happy with our systematic racism in law enforcement across this country. But this isn't an issue where taking one side benefits anyone. It is, like so many of our systematic issues, a very multi-layered, nuanced, complex issue that will only be solved with a combination of empathy, compassion, compromise, and time (to name just a few).
I support law enforcement as much as I support movements like Black Lives Matter.
Murder is murder is murder. We need so much less of it.
It is possible to be angry at and supportive of simultaneously.