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New camera, who dis?

Fujifilm X-T30 with 35mm f/2.8

This week, I finally purchased a smaller "companion" camera to carry in my everyday bag. I also wanted something on the smaller side for those weekend excursions where I want a camera but I don't want a bigger kit with me. Just something nice and easy.

Because I use the Fujifilm X system, and already have my preferred selection of lenses, I was torn between the X-E3 and the X-T30. While I did try the E3, and found it to be very capable, it just didn't feel right.

The T-30 did, which I attribute to being the SLR style (versus the rangefinder style). While I like the rangefinder style in specific scenarios, I much prefer SLR style shooting all around.

It already has a space carved out in my bag. Now I just need to work on getting out more often to take more pictures. Looking forward to it.

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