What are three things in your daily life that you're grateful for today?
Listed in no particular order:
Music does more for me than I usually give it credit for. I appreciate the craft, the songwriting of both notes and lyrics. I appreciate the layering of different instrument tracks to create one whole track, and how that layering can be intentional and itself evoke feeling and relay messages in the song. I appreciate that music can be felt on multiple layers depending on the mood and environment of the listener. I'm in awe of how music can affect us mentally and physically. I love that music can evoke memories and help form new ones.
My wife saved my life. I'm who I am today in large part because of her, the support and balance that she provides, and the unconditional love that she shares. We met when I was nearing my lowest. Our wedding day marked the start of the rest of my life, one with purpose.
Health, my health, has become my top priority in 2019. I never really took it seriously, even with some of the issues over the past 5-7 years, because I still naively thought of myself as invincible. But, this year, two different diagnosis shook me out of the stupor and prompted me to rearrange my life's priorities. I appreciate where and how I am now, able bodied and with a majority of control over the direction my health will go over the next 10-20 years. I appreciate that I'm able to make choices and changes that will positively affect my health. I'm increasingly grateful for how my body works, and that gratitude will lead me to take better care of it.
The "30 Days of Gratitude challenge" prompts are from Screen/Life Balance and author Catherine Price.