Write down three things in your daily life that you are grateful for.
I'm grateful for the ParkMobile app that allowed us to pay for our parking while avoiding the line of people at the parking machines. There are quite a few places around the city that uses this app, and I've found that it saves me time not just in having to wait in lines (if any) but, in not having to rush back to defend a meter. It's notifications also are really good at letting me know how much time I have left.
This is a weird one but, I'm grateful for our refrigerator. It holds a lot, works very efficiently, and has both ice and water dispensers (which was a must have for me). I thought about how much I take it for granted while it's something that I use every single day, even depending on to not only store my food but to keep it safe.
I'm grateful for the AeroGarden and the tomatoes that we have gotten over the Summer. It provided a steady stream of cherry tomatoes for us to snack on. Each one tasted fresh, and had actually flavor unlike the ones that you sometimes buy from the store.
This prompt will repeat several times throughout this challenge.
The “30 Days of Gratitude challenge” prompts are from Screen/Life Balance and author Catherine Price.