I haven't watched a lot of movies over these past few years because I always felt disappointed after them. I found that I just wasn't enjoying movies anymore. I don't have any specific reasons to explain to you; I just wasn't excited by them for a while.
With us being home more, and constantly searching for things to watch (in addition to revisiting older tv series), I ventured back into the movie world. I saw these over the past few weeks and surprisingly liked them very much.
Greyhound (2020) - A tense 90-minutes from start to finish. Really well done. Sure, it didn't spend time on character development but I don't think this movie needed it. The main character was the crew (as a whole), not individuals.

The Old Guard (2020) - Just a fun movie all around. It's definitely primed for sequels and they can't make them soon enough! Also, Charlize is my current favorite action star.

Irresistible (2020) - The movie made a few jumps that left me questioning the development of some of the character relationships but, otherwise a funny movie that brings to light something scary about our electoral system. I liked Chris Cooper and Mackenzie Davis' performances. This movie definitely had shades of Jon Stewart (writer/director) in it.

Troop Zero (2020) - I had no idea what to expect. The poster reminded me of any "underdog" movie so I watched... and VERY glad I did so. This was definitely an underdog movie, and the group of girls they put together were very entertaining. Fantastic performances all around. Viola Davis is astounding, and paired with Allison Janney makes for a great duo. And who knew Jim Gaffigan could act like that? Highly recommend.

Little Fires Everywhere (2020) - Not a movie but I really liked it. Kerry Washington and Reese Witherspoon did fantastic work with their roles acting and producing this. It was very well done. I did like the book much better (and am currently rereading it after seeing this). But they cast this series perfectly. Every character fits what I imagined while reading it (the first time).