Why do I still have sound turned on for my Facebook notifications? Why do I still have Facebook on my phone? I need to turn that off or even delete the app soon...
*opens app*
I have an alert set for "typewriter" on Facebook marketplace. Mainly just to see if anything interesting comes up within a 100 mile radius. While I'm not in the market for a fourth typewriter, I like to "window", er... Facebook shop.
Someone just posted a typewriter tool set for $60. I knew that was a deal, having started looking into some tools online. Offset wrenches, extra-long and sometimes offset screwdrivers with heads of varying sizes, spring hooks, specialized clamps and straighteners...
I knew I needed specialized typewriter tools, I just didn't know which tools. Each of my typewriters needs adjusting and, eventually, will need repair. So why not get as many as I can?
These were quite a find, once belonging to the owner of Otto's Office Machines in Carmichael, CA. He spent his entire career repairing typewriters and his son was working to find a new home for them.
"I want to see them put to use, not listed on eBay", he told me. Another $50 got me another box of typewriter tools in addition those shown in the original listing photo. In my early experience learning about these tools, all of them could easily sell for $250-$500.
I have no interest in selling this stuff. I need them. I'm happy to put them to use.
typewriter tie pin Olivetti pin
He also gave me two tchotchkes, a typewriter tie pin and an Olivetti (typewriter brand) pin. I thought they were neat.

I wasn't in the market for a fourth typewriter...
My first experience with a typewriter was in grade school. It was electric and had a correction feature that deleted the ink from the paper using a white sticky "ribbon". It was neat, I remember, but I also remember being happy when we moved away from it and to using a computer.
So, when he showed me the Smith Corona Electra 110, I was preparing a "no thanks" in my head. That is, until he told me the price. "I'll give it to you for $20".
It needs some work, general cleanup and tightening here and there. Maintenance and repair tasks that I now have the tools to complete.