In mid-February, I planted starts throughout the raised beds in my yard. Steady watering and care has given me a little bit of a routine during these past few weeks, giving me something both to care for and to learn from.
Growing things isn't new for me but, having this many things simultaneously is. This is my first time growing straw berries and my first "serious" attempt growing tomatoes.
The herbs are taking off, especially the parsley and the cilantro. I may have to dog around that bed to space out the rest of the plants a little more; the basil is getting "bullied" by the parsley (taking all of the sun and probably most of the water).
Each of the plants has (more or less) doubled in size from the time they were planted, which I'm taking as a good thing.
I have some shishito pepper and perilla seeds that I'll be planting soon, tempting fate by adding even more to look after.